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6 min read
How I use an "Escape Room" to get my students learning about the elements in the Periodic Table
Students learn about the physical properties of the elements in the periodic table, using an escape Room.

3 min read
Top 3 Resources for Teaching States of Matter and Separating Mixtures
Enhance your chemistry lessons with engaging resources on states of matter and separating mixtures.

7 min read
How to Teach Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Visually
This post outlines how Johnstone's Chemistry Triangle can be used to teach elements, compounds and mixtures using particle models.

7 min read
Using the Jigsaw Strategy to Teach Trends in the Periodic Table
The Jigsaw Strategy is a collaborative learning strategy that works well for teaching Trends in the Periodic table.

4 min read
Play Card Games to teach Ionic Bonding and Chemical Formulae
Implement Game-Based Learning to Develop Student's Conceptual understanding of Chemical Formula

4 min read
How to Teach Mole Calculations to Students who hate Formulas
There are some students who do not like dealing with formulas or symbols it is best to teach students using the unitary method.

6 min read
3 Reasons You Should not Teach Ionic Bonding as Electron Transfer
Research shows that teaching ionic bonding as electron transfer leads to a number of chemical misconceptions.

7 min read
Evidence-Based Methods for teaching Balancing Equations
In this post, you will learn the best methods for teaching balancing chemical equations to high school students based on evidence .

9 min read
4 Student Mistakes When learning to balance Equations (and how you can address them)
Students who struggle to balance chemical equations usually make the same mistakes. I have compiled four common difficulties.

6 min read
Guidelines for Teaching Lab Safety
Teaching students about lab safety goes beyond just lab safety rules.
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